Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas...
Posing with my prized Christmas cactus my Ganny had them (big ones) every year that I can remember and I've had them most of my adult life. Sometimes they bloom and a few times not! The crazy thing is that she died in June (many years ago) and almost every year I get a bloom or two during that time. It always makes me feel good and watched over.The holiday build a bear not as easy as it looks right Aunt Carolyn!!!
Kacey ALMOST with Santa we are making progress...
The little beauties...
and a Happy New Year! Kacey adds this in each time I wish someone a Merry Christmas--very cute! She also sings Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer with feeling and ends it with a rousing chorus of "you'll go down in MISERY" there's no way to change her mind she likes it like that.
We've had a wonderful year and I wanted to send BLOGGY greetings to all my friends out there. My Christmas cards didn't get mailed until Friday and Saturday so you all may be the only people that get a greeting before the big day.
I wish you all peace and happiness in the upcoming year. For those of you still waiting keep your chins up and know that the reward will outway the pain by a longshot!
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night...