Hang on Kacey Mommy is coming! Great Wall received our travel approvals on Monday and has asked for consulate appointments in Guangzhou for the week of September 25th, this is the last step in the adoption process and very important. They are estimating that we will be wheels up and off to China on or about September 13th, Nana and I are going one day before the group so that I can get some work done in Beijing. Now it looks like much of our travel group is going to go early too so Nana will have lots of friends to hang out with and see the sights.
The big question is when does Kacey officially join our family? If this schedule holds true I will receive her either Sunday, September 17th or Monday, September 18th this depends on her CWI proceedures. Most probably it will not be until Monday but still it's SOON, she will be a beautiful 23 months old on "gotcha day"!
I'll post our confirmed travel agenda as soon as I get it, next stop Beijing!
- had this to say:
I never saw this picture, sooo cute! I can't wait to see her!! C'mon CA's!!!
julie w- M3 had this to say:
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! I heard that GW finally got travel approvals and couldn't wait to run over here and see your news.
- trk had this to say:
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I have been checking your blog since we got our TA. Looks like we will be in Anhui at the same time. Do you know where you will be staying. We will be in Hefei and they told us that we would meet our children on Monday the 18. We so want to meet you and Kacey in person.
Oh I can't wait to get going. :)- Lisa had this to say:
Did you get more pictures of Kacey? That looks like a new one. She looks ver determined about something!
Lisa- Anna had this to say:
I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!
Anna- Mary had this to say:
First of all, YIPEE for TA!! Second, could that picture be any more gorgeous?? Riley was 28 months when he was placed in my arms. Let me tell you, he was the best! You are just going to be so overwhelmed and amazed! Cherish every moment, Mommy!!
- had this to say:
Yippee! You'll soon be on your way! Get ready for the best trip of your life.
Mom to Sydney Shu- Life with JJ, Starr and Spice had this to say:
Excellent turnaround on the TA. C'mon CA...Mommy and Nana are coming!!
Lori- Sonia had this to say:
Awesome, Julie!! I know you are so excited to finally have a travel date.
- Tao's Mommy had this to say:
What a beauty Kacey is!!! You will have her in your arms so soon....just think its NOW down to days!! You two are going to have a blast together.
- had this to say:
Is this an updated photo (orange shirt one)? I was just browsing a few sites. I love looking! Kacey is so precious. I cannot wait to meet her! Only a matter of days until you leave. Best wishes!