Tuesday, October 27, 2009
It is Birthday Season!

So much work to do and so little time, at least I'm dressed well!
How do I look? You look good birthday girl.

getting strong and looking GOOD!

Do I look like a princess? You bet you do E.

We had two more parties this past weekend. Sweet Bailey turned 5 and the twins, Hannah & Cody turned 2 (can you believe it). We had such a great time, here a few photos of B's party the dressing up was a HUGE hit!

Friday, October 16, 2009
A few more birthday pictures...

Upside down blowdrying usually not a skill for a 5 year old!

Presents are good.

Flowers are wonderful!

I may be 5 but I still LOVE my mommy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy Birthday to Kacey!

Today is her 5th birthday and boy is she excited! She got to serve the cupcakes during snack time, wear a crown and go anywhere she wants for dinner--what a day.
While I was serving the cupcakes at school I was singing Jesus loves the little children song in my head since her class look like a little UN:) They were all so sweet and looked so darned cute with their frosting mustaches it was amazing how quick the sugar kicked in I had to get the heck of out dodge FAST.

Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie enjoy every single moment of it...just think you get to do another party on Saturday!

Chasing Kacey

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a single mom living in Florida with the greatest daughter EVER from Anhui, China. The site keeps our family & friends up to speed on our day to day doings.

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