Monday, June 21, 2010
A Milestone!

With Kirby and Deanna...I'll want to revisit this in 10 years! First roses for all from Nana

With her BFF

Matching with Mom!

Graduation from Pre-K in pictures...she is growing up before my very eyes! When I close them I see her graduating from high school, getting married, having babies of her own then I hurry up and open them back up to keep her small and safe with me.

Friday, June 04, 2010
Dad's Day Breakfast!

It was Dad's Day at Kacey's school and Pop Pops were invited she is very excited about my Dad's visit and the powdered sugar donuts!!!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Happy Birthday Bev!

I called to wish her a happy birthday and she got on me for not updating Kacey's BLOG so these are for you Bev...have a great one!!!

Chasing Kacey

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a single mom living in Florida with the greatest daughter EVER from Anhui, China. The site keeps our family & friends up to speed on our day to day doings.

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