Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Few Random Pictures

Hi all, summer has been busy, busy around here. I've got lots of other photos for you in the near future but until then here are a few. Kacey did not think twice about entering the hula hoop contest at the beach even though she had no idea how to hula hoop. After losing quickly she took a hoop and practiced until she had it right!!! What a girl...also a couple of her looking way too old for me along with one of me, her, Heather from my team at work and Rusty Wallace a little brush with fame:) Happy summer everyone.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Oh What Fun!

Not a high level of skill but tons of TRY

With Sam and Adam after the big game of pool baseball.

Kacey had a very expensive seat for herself but my purse sat in it and she sat in our laps. She looks good in Cardinal RED

We headed to St. Louis for the Memorial Day weekend and took in a Cardinal's game, went to the lake to see Sam & Adam (and their mom and dad) and just generally had some BIG Fun. Here are a few pictures.

Chasing Kacey

My Photo
Location: Florida, United States

I'm a single mom living in Florida with the greatest daughter EVER from Anhui, China. The site keeps our family & friends up to speed on our day to day doings.

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