Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend!

Photo #1 Whatever this guy was saying to her was not amusing I get this look at least a couple times a day.

#2 Here we are at the family fun fest on Saturday. It was Kacey's first pony ride! She had been a rejector in the past but today she was READY!

#3 Note the purse in my hand, I realized that I was not going to get out of participating in this gig so I had to throw it on the ground and hang on:)

#4 Kacey is up on the bridge of the boat I waited for the horns to go off or the boat to start up but she was very good.

#5 I missed one of my favorite mom's yesterday so here you go. A picture of Carolyn and her brood on Mother's Day!
Here is hoping you all had a great weekend too!

Friday, May 08, 2009
Happy Mother's Day My Friends!

Some of my favorite moms and their girls; Daphne & Emily, Cindy & Amelia

Nana & Kacey
Me and the pumkin head sweetie pie!

As I get ready to celebrate my 3rd Mother's Day I didn't want to forget to wish all my bloggy buddies, my Mom and my Aunt Beckie (avid readers) a very happy day! I celebrate mother's day every single day with Kacey but it always feels extra special that second Sunday in May! I thought I'd give you guy my top ten reasons I love being a mom..here we go:

#10 I love being called "Kacey's Mom" at preschool, hi Kacey's Mom, look at my new dress Kacey's Mom. Some may not enjoy losing their identity I feel like a super hero with my new title!
#9 I get to color as much and anytime I want to and nobody looks at me funny in restaurants.
#8 I love children's books I've always been a very big reader and this gives me the chance to revisit some of my favs and make a few new ones. 5 Monkey's Go Shopping is a true classic LOL!
#7 Getting to spend lots of time outside I forgot what it was like to just hang out in the front yard in the late afternoon picking flowers (aka weeds) and looking at lizards really close up!
#6 At this late stage in my life I'm mastering the art of pony tails and proper hair dressing.
#5 The clothes (this can also be one of the most challenging things) I love the dresses and shorts and cute shirts and how beautiful olive skinned girls look in jewel tones. She takes my breath away many mornings:)
#4 The beach is a whole new experience for me...I didn't feel the sand on anything but my toes or do much swimming for the past many years and now I really don't even need to bring a beach chair a couple sandy towels will do just fine...oh and about 20 different buckets and shovels to make our masterpieces.
#3 Who knew you always needed to hold your mommy's hand even if you are just walking across the house. I love that feeling, it doesn't matter where we are going far or near she wants to hold hands!
#2 Watching Kacey make other people smile, my mom, my dad, my brothers, my friends, complete strangers this girl has a way about her...when she feels like that is when she doesn't you can feel the ice from 10 feet away!
#1 Having someone love me best! I have always felt very well loved but there is no greater feeling than knowing you are someone's absolute favorite person (most of the time) and that they love you unconditionally and always. Also the fact that when your are 4 you never forget to say it out loud many times a day for a cookie or a hug or just because. She always reminds me that you can't tell people enough how you feel.
Love you guys! Happy Mother's Day.

Chasing Kacey

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Location: Florida, United States

I'm a single mom living in Florida with the greatest daughter EVER from Anhui, China. The site keeps our family & friends up to speed on our day to day doings.

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